Tag Archives: pain


Elixir poured through the turbid sky,

the cool breeze flew in .

The night dropped its anchor,they knew twas wrong,

but neither of them blinned.

The thunder hid the chaos of their pounding hearts,

the darkness adumbrated the gulps.

Hiding his head in her arms,

he locked his fingers into her stulp.

With the swilling emotions,his breath embellished her neck,

the moan of love now deafened the world.

Fondling with her lips,he held her hard,

giving up,she purled herself in.

Melodies of his touch echoed in her soul,

it was the first time she had experienced the symphonies.

Her alluring and ambroisal presence took over him,

he fell deep, only to wait for an epiphany.

Amidst the petting,she revealed the flood her eyes beheld.

Conscience struck heavy on his heart.

They unlocked their amative kiss,

bonded forever,both vanished into worlds…. miles apart.

The blazing daylight forced open her eyes,

blot of her tear drabbed his shimmery wedding card.

She smiled looking at his picture realising,

she was the shore that his everlasting waves will touch and retreat.
